Would You Love To Get Rid Of Your Menopause Symptoms And

Feel Amazing?

Would You Love To Get Rid Of Your Menopause Symptoms And Feel Amazing?

You can finally get a tailored solution for your menopause challenges that fits your chemistry & produces amazing results!

You can finally get a tailored solution for your menopause challenges that really works.

Get the solution that's customized for you, because each of us is unique and deserves to be treated as an individual.

100's clients have had results and love the:

Avita Hormone Package

Package Includes:

  • Saliva Hormone Testing Kit (accurate test of the 5 key hormone levels)
  • Private 1 On 1 Clarity Consultation with Women's Health Expert Kelly Nolan (find your true answers and solutions!)
  • Personalized Vitality Plan (giving you confidence to live symptom-free)
  • Plus a copy of my best selling book "Restore Your Life"

Your body's hormones have been completely changed by menopause and the first step in getting back to feeling like you again is re-balancing your hormones.

They key to re-balancing your hormones is the Avita Integrative Health Hormone Balancing Package.

If you're ready to feel...

  • Energized and Empowered
  • Sexy and Attractive
  • In Control and Focused
  • Rested and Mentally Sharp
  • Strong and Vibrant
  • Excited About This Next Phase of Your Life...
  • Finally Like You Again

Grab the Avita Hormone Package Today

"I'm a 56 year old woman who has been struggling...

with weight gain due to menopause. Since starting…I feel great. Kelly is a great help…I have tried many things to get healthy again and rest assured this… what Kelly does is simple and works."

-Linda Q.

Your Hormones are the Problem and You're Saliva is

The Answer

You've probably been told that the symptoms you're facing while going through menopause or having been through menopause, are just normal issues of getting older and that you should just 'get over them'.

I was given that same unhelpful advice from my Doctor too.

Hi, my name is Kelly Nolan, clinical director at Avita Integrative Health, and I'm so happy you're here.

Over the last 30 years in practice as a pharmacist and integrative, holistic health, practitioner I've had the honour of caring for thousands of women just like you.

Women who are suffering through the embarrassing, frustrating, exhausting and confusing consequences of menopause and who are ready for solutions to these problems.

After over 30,000 hours in service to clients and in research, trying countless different approaches to handling the challenges of menopause, once I discovered the Key to moving past your worst menopause symptoms, I had to share my secret.


Kelly Nolan, Avita Integrative Health

Once menopause hits, the hormone levels in your body begin changing rapidly, and it's this change in hormones that's the main cause of all these symptoms that you're suffering from.


Because your hormone levels, are the base triggers of your body chemistry and when they change, all the ways in which your body

chemistry works also change.

This is why you're gaining weight, having those mood swings, suffering from hot flashes, waking up with night sweats, struggling through brain fog and many of the other very common symptoms of menopause.


It's why solutions that could work for others haven't yet worked for you. Your body chemistry is unique to you.

So...what's the simplest and fastest way to determine your personal body chemistry?

Your saliva.

After testing nearly every means of understanding your hormones, Kelly has found that saliva is the most accurate and efficient way of revealing your body's current hormone levels.

This is why we're including a convenient, painless and simple saliva kit that you can fill out from the comfort of your home, in the Avita Health Hormone Balancing Package.

Because Your Unbalanced Hormones Are Causing...

  • Unwanted Weight Gain that doesn't go away no matter how much exercise you do and makes you feel bloated, unattractive and defeated.
  • The Mysterious Lack of Sex Drive that's crept into your life and causes tension, stress and anxiety surrounding your most intimate and important relationship.
  • Embarrassing Hot Flashes that seem to come out of nowhere and can humiliate you in you public.
  • Frustrating Brain Fog that causes you to forget what you were doing, what you were saying and embarrases you in front of your family and your peers.
  • Deep Muscle Fatigue that doesn't go away and makes you feel like you don't have the energy to move, regardless of what you eat and how much sleep you've had.
  • Wild Mood Swings that happen without any warning or cause and make you feel out of control.
  • Unending Stress that seems to leech into every part of your day and causes relentless anxiety and frustration.
  • Depressing Confusion from the strangeness of your new body and the lack of answers from your doctors.

Would you be ecstatic if you could overcome these terrible symptoms, lose that stubborn weight, feel energized, in control and like yourself again?

What's Included In the Avita Hormone Package?


Endo Select Salivary Hormone Kit

The Endo Select Hormone Kit is simple to use, sent directly to you, allowing you to complete the kit from the comfort of your own home.

This is a saliva hormone test, only requiring one small vial of saliva to be completed. Saliva is proven to be far more accurate than the more common blood or hair samples.

It takes only a minute to complete and is completely painless.

You'll get clarity from this test on the five key hormones that are causing your challenges;






These 5 hormones control hot flashes, brain fog, vaginal dryness, insomnia, night sweats, weight gain, anxiety, mood swings, sleep distrubances and much more.

After over 30 years of experience, in our experience, this is the simplest to use and most accurate hormone test on the market.


Private 1 On 1 Clarity Consultation

Getting your hormones tested is easy. Knowing what the test results mean and how to read all the complicated science is much harder.

This is why our Hormone Package includes a private 1 on 1 'Clarity Consultation' with our clinical director & women's health expert, Kelly Nolan.

Kelly will share her 30 plus years of experience to provide:

-Clarity on your new Hormone Levels

-Insight into your symptoms

-Guidance on tailored solutions

​-A clear pathway to reach your goals

After this consultation, your test results will provide the road map to be rid of your menopause symptoms and take control.


Personalized Vitality Plan

Long term freedom from your menopause symptoms is the goal. To achieve that you need a customized plan provided by the template of the saliva test.

Your Personalized Vitality plan is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide, to resolve your menopause symptoms and bring you back to optimum health.

After personally guiding hundreds of women move beyond their menopause challenges and fall back in love with their body, Kelly Nolan, knows exactly how to support you.

With the Avita Hormone Package & Personalized Vitality Plan you'll discover:

-Clear plan of action

​-Exact Steps to Take for Results

-Reasonable Time Frames

​-Precise Dosage of Supplements

​-Suggested Lifestyle Modifications


-On-going Solutions for Now and Later

Kelly will personally walk you through this plan during your 1 on 1 Clarity Consultation, which means you'll know you can achieve the results you're looking for, because you can have all your questions answered, right away!


Restore Your Life

Kelly's Best Selling Book

Powerful Life Strategies To Navigate Menopause.

#1 on Amazon in 9 categories!

This amazing book includes stories, case studies, valuable tips and information, plus checklists and exercises to help you life your best, healthy life ever!

Finally, you'll understand why you feel the way you feel, what your best solutions are and what to do next.

"I have to say I was skeptical, but I've lost 45lbs...

since the beginning…and I feel like I’m getting back to myself after being miserable…I would recommend this to anyone struggling…Thanks Kelly"

-Catherine S.

This is your chance to get rid of all those embarrassing menopause symptoms and start feeling like the best version of you with results in 30 days or less!

Let us take you by the hand and make it easy for you to…

  • Stop Suffering From Menopause Symptoms
  • Get Excited And Invigorated About This Next Stage In Your Life
  • Put Behind Your Worst Menopause Challenges
  • Lose The Stubborn Weight You've Gained
  • Feel Young, In Control And Confident Again

Avita Health promises to help you...

  • Get Over Your Worst Menopause Symptoms Fast
  • Feel Like Yourself Again, Without All The Embarrassing Menopause Symptoms
  • Get Back To Living Your Life, Without Suffering For Years And Years Through The Embarrassing Hot Flashes, The Exhausting Night Sweats, The Debilitating Brain Fog, The Disappearing Sex Drive, The Flabby Tummy Weight Gain And The Many Other Symptoms Of Menopause

Claim your Avita Hormone Package Right Now

Here's a Re-Cap of Everything We're Including For You

Package Includes:

  • Saliva Hormone Testing Kit
  • 1 on 1 Clarity Consultation with Kelly Nolan
  • Personalized Vitality Plan

plus we're adding in...

  • VIP Pricing on Avita Health Supplements and Programs with
  • 1 on 1 Success and Momentum Consult
  • FREE copy of my Best Seller "Restore Your Life"

The entire package is yours today

pay only: $449 (plus HST and Shipping)

It doesn't matter if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning or 9:00 p.m. at night!

Get this package now and we'll send your order ASAP.

Finally, you can have the right solutions to end your suffering.

Because you now have an expert who cares and fully understands what you're going through.

It's time to start feeling like yourself again.

Living with energy and excitement, because you're no longer suffering those terrible, embarrassing and frustrating menopause symptoms.

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